Monday, September 17, 2012

Cary Peppermint

Cary Peppermint is a co-founder of ecoarttech collaborative (2005) which explores environmental issues, convergent media, as well as technologies. His works consist of "the convergence of ecological, cultural, and digital networks, through a post-disciplinary practice with strong ties to internet and performance art". The particular piece of work that I will be discussing is in his "Untitled Landscapes for Portable Media Players" series.
 I chose this particular piece because for my first project, I will be using electronics to frame other electronics. In this work series, Peppermint uses portable media players to show landscapes that are ever changing. While I will not be using landscapes per se, I will still be adding an element of realism to my picture that will show technology.
 Peppermint is showing the connection between technology and culture through these pieces; he is asking, "is there a way to imagine the natural environment that is neither romanticized nor a source of exploitable resources to drive an ongoing modernization?" My piece will be similar in the idea of the fact that we live in a world where today it is hard to imagine life without technology; we rely on it so much, it's a part of our everyday lives.
I really enjoyed that Peppermint has the landscape changing and made it a video; it reminds us that time is constantly going, and by showing a landscape, it leads us away from the idea that technology is overtaking our lives. By having it shown on a form of a portable media player however, it reminds us that we are surrounded by technology (literally). Within the work, however, I believe that he could have made a big impression by having a still shot of some landscape and could make the connection between technology and nature and still ask the same question as before. I think that by doing so, there could be very interesting answers.   <--page I found that led me to the Untitled Landscape series       <--Cary Peppermints profile as well as his other works       <--the Untitled Landscape series

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