Thursday, October 18, 2012

Edited Chrome logo


I decided to use the new Chrome logo, which is a 2-D image rather than the old 3-D image. When I saw it, I thought of elements and decided to go in that direction. It seems very simple, but that was my goal; because you have central colors, I didn't want to do too much.

For the red, I decided to do flames (which were harder than expected). Blending was especially hard, and as one can tell, I still hadn't successfully blended the reds together.

For the green, I thought of earthy things, like leaves! I purposefully chose a different green for the leaves because I wanted the leaves to be falling and I like the slight contrast.

For the yellow, I automatically thought of the sun and thus decided to to rays of light, and I'm pretty happy with it. (The side got cut off, but you can still understand).

I decided I had to do something for the middle, and since it was blue, I thought of the sea. So I did little waves, but just to make sure my point got across, I put a little boat in there. It didn't seem like it was enough, so I added some stars which led me to use the white as a crescent moon (which I was originally going to put in the blue, but I liked the idea of using the white better).

Thus, here is my elemental Chrome logo!

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